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Welcome to
BLAZE Wellness On Demand!

Your comprehensive digital health management solution for experiencing the 8 dimensions of wellness from anywhere, at any time. Certified Professionals will guide you through fitness training, nutrition coaching, mental health support, mindfulness practices, stress management, sleep optimization (and more) that will strengthen your team personally and professionally.
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Fitness Classes:
  • HIIT Fitness Classes
  • Strength Training
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Upper Body & Core
  • Barre
  • Circuit Training
  • Flexibility & Mobility
Lead your team to live healthy, happy lives by providing high-end health management that is accessible at home, in the gym, or on the go
Expand your knowledge of proper self-care and share in these virtual challenges and experiences with your workplace community
Reduce absenteeism and healthcare costs and start to see your employees become innovative and much more resilient
Empower and inspire employees to reach their full potential, which creates strong teams, better collaboration and more growth and profitability for your company